Drought Disasters

Country-By-Country Overview Ethiopia: An estimated 8 million of Ethiopia’s 60 million people are at immediate risk due to drought. UNICEF estimates that 1.4 million of those at risk are children under five. Eritrea: Successive years of drought, combined with the border war with Ethiopia, has created major food shortages. Nearly 1.3 million people are at risk, including…

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Global Water Crisis

Here are some of the signs of an upcoming global water crisis and some links you may be interested in reading. It is being projected that by the year 2030, global demand for water will be 40 percent higher than it is today. Worldwide demand for fresh water tripled during the last century, and is now doubling…

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Solar Power operation for Air Water Machines

Now available are Off Grid Solar packs to operate our range of Air Water Generators making Water from the Atmosphere. This World first ability to operate these Domestic Air Water Makers by the sun is unique to the WES range of Air Water Machines only, as the “Wizardly development ” is linked directly to our…

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Water from Air Machines may still be the answer

Water from Air Machines may still be the answer! Well here’s a statistic that will rock you. We’ve witnessed torrential rain for nearly a fortnight on the east coast. 99.4% of the New South Wales is still in drought. 39.1% is in intense drought. Water is being trucked in for 3,000 residents in bushfire ravaged…

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